With the top flattened and the cleats dovetailed into the top I turned my attention to the base. The client opted for an ebonized ash base in lieu of a matching walnut base. I had previously milled the lumber for the base to just oversize and left it stacked and stickered in my climate controlled basement for two weeks. So, the first order of business was to ensure the lumber was still straight and the edges were still square. I like to use a jointer and planer to get my rough lumber mostly there but I always bring my furniture parts to final size with hand planes. No other tool gives you so much control.

I Primarily use three planes to dimension lumber. The longest plane can make surfaces that are extremely flat and true. The medium plane is the roughest. And, the smallest plane is super fine and can remove less than .001" per pass!

Whoa! I love, love, love the surface hand planes leave!
So, with all the lumber straight and edges squared I began the layout process for the joinery.

Here I am laying out the bridle joints on the four legs.
I usually use a marking knife to layout joints then I'll use a back saw to saw out the waste and chisels and planes to clean up the rough surface. With careful work you can end up with joints that just slide to together but won't come apart easily. Once glued, they will be bomb proof!

one of the lower leg trestles

The legs slide onto the lower trestle

Joinery complete
Next time, i'll inlay some wooden bowties to attach the two slabs and start the ebonizing process for the base!